Antidepressants are effective in the treatment of a wide range of psychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. 抗抑郁药物能有效治疗包括抑郁症和焦虑症在内的多种精神障碍,其中焦虑症又包括强迫症、恐慌症、泛焦虑症等。
Paroxetine Combined Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Treatment of Panic Disorder 帕罗西汀合并认知行为疗法治疗惊恐障碍对照研究
Of, relating to, arising from, or having a phobia. A study on relativity between alexithymia and anxiety and depression of panic disorder patients 恐惧症的恐惧症的,有关恐惧症的,由恐惧症引起的,或患有恐惧症的惊恐障碍病人的述情障碍与焦虑及抑郁的相关性研究
Panic disorder is one of the clinical common mental disorder which impairs the quality of patients life. 惊恐障碍是一种临床常见的精神障碍,严重影响患者的生活质量。
A study on relativity between alexithymia and anxiety and depression of panic disorder patients 惊恐障碍病人的述情障碍与焦虑及抑郁的相关性研究
Metacognition Psychology Intervention of Panic Disorder of a College Student 1例大学生惊恐障碍的元认知心理干预
Effect Analysis on Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Panic Disorder 认知行为疗法并帕罗西汀治疗惊恐障碍疗效分析
The two major treatments for panic are cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT) and medications, both of which have been shown to help most people with panic disorder. 治疗惊恐的两大方法是感知行为疗法(CBT)以及药物疗法。两者都被证明对多数有惊恐混乱的人们都有帮助。
Several medications are used to treat patients with panic disorder, the most common of which are antidepressants and benzodiazepines. 有些药物疗法也被采用治疗惊恐混乱。最常见的是抗抑郁剂及苯二氮卓受体阻断药。
Sounds like a heart attack, or panic disorder. 听起来像是心脏病发作或是恐慌症发作。
For example, a person with panic disorder may also have another disorder, such as major depression or substance abuse, which may need to be addressed as well. 有惊恐混乱的人也许有另一种混乱,例如重大抑郁或物质滥用。它们同样需要予以处理。
Dealing with the relationship between the mind and the body Some individuals have the symptoms of panic disorder or social phobia or depression, etc. 有些人会出现极度的身心失调,社会恐惧症忧或郁症等。
Evaluation on the Whole Night Polysomnography in Patients with Panic Disorder Comparative analysis of subjective estimation and polysomnography of sleep in heroine dependence patients 自然夜间多导睡眠图对惊恐障碍的诊断价值海洛因依赖者多导睡眠图与主观评估对比分析
A Control Study on Efficacy Escitalopram and Paroxetine for Panic Disorder 艾司西酞普兰与帕罗西汀治疗惊恐障碍对照研究
This study documents the nursing experience of caring for a patient with depression and panic disorder, using cognitive therapy. 本篇报告乃运用认知治疗,于照护一位忧郁症合并恐慌症患者之护理经验分享。
Objective To explore the gender differences in clinical variables of patients with panic disorder. 旨在了解惊恐障碍患者的临床变量与性别差异。
Almost all patients had symptoms of palpitation and shortness of breath; 46% of the patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder. 几乎所有的病患皆有心悸和呼吸短促的症状,46%的病患更达到恐慌症的诊断标准。
Panic disorder may coexist with other disorders, most often depression and substance abuse. 惊恐紊乱可能和其它紊乱并存,最常见的抑郁和物质滥用。
People with panic disorder suffer attacks of intense feelings of terror that strike suddenly with no warning. 患有惊恐症的人遭受一次次强烈恐怖感觉的打击,并且这种打击突如其来,没有一点迹象。
The Study about the Cognitive Pattern of Panic Disorder and the Contribution of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to the Cognitive Pattern 惊恐障碍的认知模式及认知&行为治疗对其认知模式影响的研究
Objective To explore the clinical effects of sequential muscle constriction-relaxation training for panic disorder. 目的探讨顺序肌肉收缩松弛法对惊恐障碍病人的治疗效果。
Drug-Mental Treatment on Patients with Panic Disorder: a Dynamically Clinical Study 惊恐障碍药物心理干预的临床动态研究
Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of paroxetine and clomipramine in the treatment of panic disorder. 目的:研究帕罗西汀和氯丙咪嗪治疗惊恐障碍的有效性和安全性。
Background: Panic disorder ( PD) is a common acute anxiety disorder in clinic. 背景:惊恐障碍(PanicDisorder,PD)是临床常见的急性焦虑障碍,它严重影响患者的社会功能和生活质量。
Objective To explore the correlation factors, features and clinical effective interventions for child panic disorder. 目的探讨儿童惊恐障碍发病的相关因素及特征和临床有效干预措施。